CONTENT="Tyzack Genealogy, Provides links to other sites with facts about the Tyzack, Tysick, etc., families">
Joseph Tyzack Crown Glass Blower 1802
Articles of Agreement Indented had made concluded and agreed upon this first day of November in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and two. Between Thomas Burn of Southwick in the county of Durham Crown Glass manufacturer as well on behalf of himself as of George Brumell and Thomas Longridge both of the town and county of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne Crown Glass manufacturers as Copartners of the one part and Joseph Tyzack of Monkwearmouth in the county of Durham Yeoman of the other part. For the said Joseph Tyzack for the considerations hereinafter mentioned Doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Burn his Executors Administrators and Assigns in manner following that is to say that he the said Joseph Tyzack shall and will for and during the space and Term of eight years next ensuing the day of the date of these Presents well and faithfully and diligently serve the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators and Assigns and each and every of them according to the best of his skill power and abilities and the orders and directions from time to time of the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners and his and their Executors Administrators Agents and Assigns as a maker of crown glass and in doing and performing all and every the arts business and Employments of a maker of crown glass at the glass house or glass houses of the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners at Southwick or elsewhere or at any other glass house or glass houses where he and they or his or their Executors Administrators or Agents or Assigns or any of them shall order or appoint him to work as aforesaid he shall and will from time to time and at all times during the said Term attend and be present at and do his best endeavours and use his utmost care diligence pains and industry in and about the said work and service for the benefit advantage and behoof of the said Thomas Burns and the said Partners and his and their Executors Administrators and Assigns and also shall not and will not do or cause or procure permit or suffer to be done any matter or thing whatsoever that may be or tend to the hurt damage or prejudice of the said Thomas burn and his said Partners or any of them his their or any of their Executors Administrators or Assigns but to the utmost of his power shall hinder the same and forthwith his aide mastery thereof warn and shall not and will not at any time forgo neglect or absent himself from the said work and service without the licence and consent of the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators Agents and Assigns in xxxxx first had obtained but shall and will be ready from time to time and shall xxxx during said Term xxxx calls notice order demands or requests of the said Thomas burns and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators Agents and Assigns or any of them as herein before and herein after contained and shall not and will not during the said Term or any part thereof work with or for or serve any other person or persons whomsoever in any Art Occupation or Employment whatsoever without such licence and consent as aforesaid and also that he the said Joseph Tyzack shall and will forfeit and pay to the said Thomas Burn his Executors Administrators or Assigns on demand for the use of the said Partnership the sum of forty shillings of lawful money of Great Britain / over and above the penalty hereinafter mentioned for every day that he be in breach or he be forsake the same then in whatsoever he the said Joseph Tyzack shall do work with or for or service any other person or persons without such licence and consent as aforesaid and also the sum of ten shillings of like lawful money over and above the penalty hereinafter mentioned for every day and so in proportion for a less time than a day which he the said Joseph Tyzack shall or neglect or absent himself from the said work and service without such licence and consent as aforesaid except in case of sickness lameness or lax infirmity the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and may be at liberty to retain and Employ any other person or persons in the room or stead of the said Joseph Tyzack during the time he shall continue sick lame or infirm as aforesaid and further that he the said Joseph Tyzack shall and will teach and instruct gratis any person or persons to be named and appointed for that purpose by the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators and Assigns or any of them but no other person or persons whomsoever in the said Art Mastery Business or Employment of a maker of crown glass and every part thereof. And the said Joseph Tyzack shall not nor will not during the said Term misbehave himself in his language carriage to the said Thomas Burn or his said Partners his or their Executors Administrators Assigns Agents Clerks Servants or families for the time being or any of them or quarrel or occasion any quarrel with or among any of the servants of the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners his and their Executors Administrators Assigns and shall not nor will not directly or indirectly carry on or be concerned he carrying on any Public House Ale House Vitalling or Tipling House or in selling Ale Beer Porter there or thereabouts at any time or times during the said Term nor become surety or Bail for or bound with any person or persons whomsoever for the security or payment of any sum or sums of money or the performance of any matter or thing whatsoever and for the true and punctual observance and performance of all and singular the covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained on his part and behalf he the said Joseph Tyzack doth hereby firmly bind himself his Heirs Executors Administrators Assigns in the personal sum of three hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid and payable unto and them by the said Joseph Tyzack his Heirs Executors Administrators in by each or non performance of such covenants and agreements or any of them in consideration whereof and of the work and service to be performed by the said Joseph Tyzack as aforesaid the said Thomas Burns as well for and on behalf of himself as of his said Partners and his and their Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Joseph Tyzack duly observing and performing all and singular Covenants and Agreements hereinbefore contained within and their part and behalf in all things whatsoever according to the truth and meaning thereof They the said Thomas Burn and his said Partners their Executors Admi8nistrators or Assigns or some or one of them shall and will well and truly Pay or cause to be Paid unto the said Joseph Tyzack the sum of Eighteen Shillings weekly and every week during the said Term and also the usual over plus Money for all and every the Merchantable Tables of Crown Glass above twelve hundred such Pieces of which he the said Joseph Tyzack shall in any week be put to and duly Execute The Business and Employment of Gathering or Blowing or any other part of the Crown Glass Making Namely the sum of one Halfpenny for each Table above such twelve Hundred which he shall in any week Flash Pile and Blow and four pence for each twenty Tables above such twelve Hundred which he shall in any week Gather or Piecewarm or to which he shall Xxxxxxxxx(Line in fold) The said Term find and provide the said Joseph Tyzack House and Fire or pay and allow the sum of six Pounds Yearly in lieu thereof . In Witness whereof the said Parties to these pursuits(?) have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first within Written Signed Sealed and delivered being First duly stamped in the presence of |
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Southwick Crown Glass manufactury |